A couple wagers: no eating out, no cheat meals, and no alcohol. This Is How They Look One Year Later

The couple from Terre Haute, Indiana, were aware that they needed to make some adjustments, but they were both too afraid to do so.”We easily consumed 4,000 calories per day.” Vegetables were rarely served. Lexi told the Daily Mail, “Everything we ate was either fried or fast food.” Lexi’s weight also hampered her daily functioning. She became increasingly uneasy about her current situation. Lexi recalls the precise moment when she had had enough. “I had long been looking forward to going to an amusement park and riding the roller coaster,” she explains. “However, when I got to the front of the line, I was told I was too heavy.” I was unable to attend. It was quite embarrassing.”Lexi made the decision to take action in January of 2016. The couple resolved to make substantial changes in their lives, beginning with a new diet. It would be challenging due to their shared passion and primary interest, food.“We frequently went to Asian all-you-can-eat buffets.” “After that, we went home and ordered more fast food,” Lexi explains. Lexi started the “Fat Girl Fed Up” Instagram account to share their weight reduction journey and inspire others to make healthy lifestyle changes.Although reducing weight would be difficult, Lexi and Danny had two things going for them: determination and mutual support.

“We were fed up with the life we were living and all the things we couldn’t do as a couple.” “We were also afraid that if we didn’t get our health under control, we wouldn’t be able to start a family,” Lexi explained. Lexi has lost about 240 pounds. Danny has shed 70 pounds in total. Going to the gym was a necessary part of the weight loss process. Naturally, Lexi found it difficult to attend the neighborhood gym, but she persevered. “I started going there when I got a free trial and fell in love with it because it was never too crowded, my machine faced the wall (so I didn’t feel like everyone was watching me), and I found a machine called the CrossRamp that didn’t hurt my joints at 485 pounds.”The two committed to follow the following rules for a month: “no eating out, no soda, no alcohol, no cheat meals, and working out for 30 minutes five times a week.” They decided to make a bet with their pals and try to spend 30 days without consuming fast food. They have, however, made significant progress since then. They now put forth a lot more effort to organize their meals and always do so with a healthy mindset. They also discovered that cooking meals together produces better results. Lexi isn’t bothered by this because her new healthy lifestyle is making her feel so much better.



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