Great baking soda trick to have beautiful plants (even in winter)

Many are those who have become aware of the benefits of gardening, and dedicate themselves wholeheartedly to this activity recognized for its relaxing virtues. If you too have opted for gardening to lift your spirits and aspire to well-being, you will probably love discovering tricks with baking soda to preserve your plants even in winter.

Did you know that there was a therapy that consisted of alleviating certain psychological disorders through gardening? This is gardening, a practice increasingly used by people suffering from depression, autism or loneliness. In fact,   gardening is considered a natural antidepressant   that provides a real feeling of satiety. However, followers of this activity know that during winter  , some plants tend to lose their leaves   and freeze if the cold persists for too long. Wind and lower temperatures can degrade its quality. In this sense, here are some baking soda-based tricks to protect your plants from winter, and much more.

1. Eliminates mold and mildew 

If there is too much humidity, mold and other fungi can grow on your plants. And it can be difficult to eliminate these microbes that harm the quality of your plants and harm your health. However, there are   natural tricks that can combat mold   and mildew. Baking soda is   a very effective grandmother’s tip   that protects your plants from mold growth. To prepare your anti-mold spray, dissolve two teaspoons of baking soda in one liter of water. Then, put the solution in a spray bottle and mist your plants regularly with this trick.



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