How do you spray homemade dust?

Dust is the ruin of every house! It settles everywhere and is difficult to remove. Fortunately, there are simple and practical ways to prevent dust from accumulating at home. Check out this natural trick to say goodbye to dust and return to a clean and healthy home!
How do you spray homemade dust?
Remove dust from furniture
Dust deposits can build up in your home, especially if you leave the windows open often. Even if you use the vacuum cleaner during your regular cleaning, you can’t get rid of it. Follow these expert tips!

A teaspoon of white vinegar
Half a teaspoon of olive oil
Half a glass of cold water
10 drops of lemon essential oil
2 drops of dishwashing liquid
Clean the dust with a dusting solution
How do I proceed?

Gently mix all the ingredients in a glass carafe and then pour the mixture into a bottle using the diffuser;
Spray the liquid into a microfiber cloth;
Use a damp cloth to clean all dust pockets and surfaces where dust particles are most stubborn.
If you want to reduce the amount of dust in the house for as long as possible, use this magic spray once a week!
For your information
Olive oil not only helps remove dust when rubbing on dirty surfaces, but it also has a conditioning effect. It is known for restoring and reviving the appearance of wooden and leather furniture.
Vinegar, on the other hand, is a natural disinfectant. However, be careful not to use it on certain surfaces such as natural stone as this could damage them.
Follow 9 rules to get rid of the dust
Are you fighting dust endlessly but don’t know how to stop it? Here are some rules you need to set at home to say goodbye to dust once and for all!



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