How do you spray homemade dust?

Invest in a household dust sensor
Dust particles float in the air in the house and then land as curtains on carpets, objects, rugs or upholstery. By using an air purifier, you can catch dust in the air before you have time to settle on any of your furniture.

Beat the dusty carpets
The carpet fibers are real dust magnets. It is recommended to hang the carpets in front of the house, for example on a railing, and beat them with a broom or a carpet beater. This will remove a good amount of dirt and accumulated dust. Go to work!

Don’t overlook the ceilings
Even if it’s not often on your radar, your ceiling definitely needs a good dusting. To do this, take a ladder and use the soft brush of your vacuum cleaner. You can also attach a microfiber cloth to the broom and remove the dust.

Remove dust from window coverings
Cleaning curtains from dust
Curtains and shutters can collect a lot of dust, especially if the windows are not waterproof. If you have curtains, you can clean them with a dry or damp microfiber cloth to remove stubborn dust. However, for your fabric curtains, it is advisable to wash them regularly, taking into account the washing label, so as not to deteriorate them.

Adopt the “no shoes at home” rule
Dust, dirt and bacteria come from outside and therefore also from shoes. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you leave your shoes at the entrance before entering the house. This also applies to your guests. So a little trick to convince them to adopt this rule, place a shoe storage at the entrance and you won’t be ashamed to ask them to take off their shoes!

With these tips and advice, you are now ready to banish the home’s sworn enemy…dust! We eliminate it and delay the deposit for a long time!



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