How her family changed and their extravagant demands are

In 2012, he worked as a postman and had a second job running a music shop. After marriage, he became used to having access to lots of money. Gillian reportedly treated him and his family to cars, holidays, clothes, and watches. He later moved into her mansion. After they married, the unemployed convict got a monthly allowance from his wife. What’s significant about him is that he’s allegedly a conman who was convicted of stealing £13,000 (over $16,000) from Tesco. He was convicted of fraud the same month that Gillian won her money and spent six months in jail.In 2020,

Gillian welcomed another child with Brian during the COVID-19 lockdown at the age of 48. Talking about her winnings, she confessed that some things were easier because of it, but claimed it didn’t change much. She revealed that she still had to change nappies and handle sickness regardless of how much she was worth.

Sadly, Gillian’s story doesn’t seem to have a happy ending yet. In a March 2024 update, it was revealed that Gillian, 51 had kicked out the 43-year-old convict for squandering her millions. Brian allegedly spent it on holidays, cars, and five-star football trips for his friends! But he didn’t stop there. He also reportedly gave his pals spending money while paying for everything else! An insider said people needed to know he was paying,

although he wasn’t; Gillian was. A source claimed that the way Brian spent his wife’s money, they could’ve ended up poor! His reckless spending reportedly left Gillian fearful that nothing would be left of her winnings. Another source said the convict viewed his wife as nothing but a “cash machine.” The insider claimed Gillian threw money at her husband hoping it would make their marriage work. The person shared,

“She’d think nothing of giving £20,000 (over $25,000) if he asked for it.Yet, the money was never enough and Brian kept wanting more. Someone said the convict acted like he was the one who won the lottery, allowing the money to go to his head. An insider figured Gillian ended things with her husband in the nick of time. Sources said cracks in their marriage had been showing for some time. One insider shared how Brian moved out after they had fights, but when he returned, his wife had bought him gifts. An alleged friend noted how the former couple’s marriage didn’t seem happy.

They said each time Brian moved out, he returned to a new car bought by his wife, to the point of losing count. Gillian was described as “besotted” with her husband. Soon enough, the monthly allowance Brian got wasn’t cutting it as he tried to fund the extravagant lifestyle he got used to. A source revealed that sometimes he went running back to his wife asking for more money the day after getting his allowance.

The insider confessed that they didn’t know if Gillian ever denied him anything he wanted. They thought the millionaire was a bit naive about what was happening. To keep her husband happy and hoping for a fresh start, she even moved from

Broughty Ferry outside Dundee to Auchterarder, Perthshire. Gillian was in love and believed everything Brian told her. All she allegedly wanted was for their family to stay together. Unfortunately

, Gillian isn’t the only person whose relationship with her parents soured after she won the lottery. Adrian had to cut his parents off from his winnings after overhearing them trying to manipulate his son into convincing him to pay for an expensive trip.



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