King Charles’ blunt demand as he helped struggling Queen Camilla uncovered by lip reader

King Charles and Queen Camilla have endured all the elements while on their two-day tour to the Channel Islands.

Today, they have been enjoying glorious sunshine while on their trip to Guernsey, but yesterday in Jersey, it was a very different story. The pair had to contend with a torrential downpour and heavy winds as they watched a parade in the capital of St Helier. The King and Queen both had to hold umbrellas to shield themselves from the wet weather with Camilla needing her rain mac to keep her warm against the blustery conditions. But as she tried to pull on her jacket, which had been resting on her shoulders, she began to struggle.

The Queen grappled with holding her umbrella and trying to put her right arm in her coat, prompting an irritated-looking Charles to try and help her. And a lip reader believes they have uncovered what the King told his wife, before making a demand. Lip reader Jacqui Press told the Daily Mail Charles told Camilla: “‘Move your arm through the back.” When that didn’t work an aide was then ushered to help Camilla with her coat. And Jacqui believes Charles had ordered: “Come and help her!”

Also commenting on the incident was body language expert Judi James, who said Camilla suggested she has a “similar relationship with raincoats as Charles does with leaky pens”. She told the Mirror: “Stuck with only one arm in a sleeve, Charles turned to help but only after performing a jaw-jut that signalled some frustration and growing irritation.



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