I hung up, embarrassed by my excitement. I wasn’t finished, though. I stormed into our bedroom and began packing up Ryan’s most valuable items, including his designer clothing, gaming system, and old records. “He can live a solo life if he wants to go on a solo vacation,” I said as I carried the boxes to my car.I couldn’t help but laugh at the ridiculousness of it all at the storage facility. Here I was, a newlywed mother, packing my husband’s belongings into a locker like a disgruntled adolescent.I made a locksmithing call back home. “When can you arrive? It’s critical.” I looked at my phone and waited for the locksmith to arrive. Ryan had sent more photos, showing him sightseeing, at a classy restaurant, and on the beach. But he appeared more and more worn out and irritated in every picture. “Well,” I pondered. “Let him suffer a bit.” Our locks were swiftly replaced by the locksmith when he came. I experienced a glimmer of doubt while he labored. Did I push things too far? However, my resolve stiffened when I thought about Ryan’s conceited smile in that selfie taken at the airport. Taking care of Sophia and answering Ryan’s increasingly irate texts filled the week, which went by quickly. “What’s going on, Natalie? I keep waking up to the hotel!” “Babe, why am I signed up for a pottery class?”I let him stew in his own mess, ignoring them all. The day of his return finally arrived. With Sophia contentedly tucked into her car seat, I picked him up from the airport. “Hey,” Ryan said as he entered, appearing hesitant. “I missed you both.” I maintained a neutral expression. “Did you enjoy your vacation?” He let out a sigh. It was… thought-provoking. See, sweetheart, I apologize for —” “Let’s discuss at home,” I interrupted. Silent and tense, the drive. Ryan scowled as we pulled up to the house. “Did you do something to the front door?”With a shrug, I helped Sophia out of her chair. “Why don’t you try your key and find out?” Ryan took his key and moved toward the door. I observed his attempts to open it, his expression becoming increasingly puzzled. He turned to face me and stated, “It’s not working.” “Natalie, what’s going on?” With Sophia perched on my hip, I met his gaze with a detached stare. “Well, I suppose your key is no longer functional. It must be the case that you choose to travel alone without us. I hope you had fun, since you’ll need to find somewhere else to stay.” Ryan got a pallid face. “What? Come on, Nat—there was only a misunderstanding. I didn’t anticipate you being this irate.”I chuckled without humor. “You didn’t anticipate my anger? You abandoned your infant daughter and wife at an airport!” “I am aware, I am aware. I apologize. “It was petty and inconsiderate,” Ryan remarked while stroking his hair. “But can’t we talk about this inside?” I gave a headshake. “Not at all. Your belongings are kept in storage. When you learn to value your family, you’ll regain it.” Ryan was astounded. “My belongings? Please, Nat. This is unfair. Where should I go, exactly?I said, “Not my problem,” and turned to open the door. “Remember how hard you work? You can figure it out, I’m sure of it.” Ryan let out a cry as I entered and shut the front door. “Wait! Would you please simply let us talk?” I stopped in. A part of me hesitated to see him again, but the part that still loved him did not want to see him ever again. I let myself in via the door. “All right. You’ve got five minutes left. As we sat on the porch steps, Sophia chattered away to herself. Ryan inhaled deeply. “I made a mistake. Largely. Work and the baby were stressing me out, so I simply… I’m not sure; I became anxious. It’s not an excuse, though. I really apologize. To the two of you.I kept a close eye on him, searching for any hint of dishonesty. “Can you imagine what it was like to be abandoned in that way? along with our daughter? His head was hanging. “It’s unimaginable. I was careless and self-centered. I’ve been feeling guilty ever since boarding that aircraft.” “So why didn’t you come back?” I enquired. Ryan looked up, regret shining in his eyes. “I felt embarrassed. and terrified. I didn’t know how to confront the fact that I had damaged you.” My fury was beginning to subside, but I wasn’t prepared to absolve him just yet. “And what about all those vacation photos you sent?” He flinched. “I was attempting to persuade myself that I had chosen well. But really? It was horrible. Every minute I missed the two of you.” When Sophia grabbed for Ryan, I naturally transferred her over to him. With tears in his eyes, he embraced her tight.With a murmur, “I’m so sorry, sweetheart,” he said. “Daddy made a big mistake.” As I watched them, I could feel my determination eroding. “What you did, Ryan, hurt me a lot. How can I be certain that you won’t act in this manner once more? He gave me a serious look. “I promise. I’ll take any necessary action to put this right. Counseling, therapy, anything. I promise never to harm Sophia or you in this way once more.” Feeling the weight of the last week, I let out a sigh. It will not be simple. There is a lot for us to sort out.” Ryan gave a nod. “I am aware. However, if you’re willing, I’ll do the task.”I got up and embraced Sophia once again. “All right. You’re welcome to enter. But because you’re dozing off on the couch, we’re going to start couples counseling right away. A look of relief crossed Ryan’s face. “I’m grateful, Nat. I’ll make this right for you two, I swear.” I couldn’t resist saying, “Oh, and you might want to check your credit card statement,” as we entered. The hotel tours were not inexpensive. Though Ryan moaned, a little smile was visible on his face. “I deserved that.” We spent the following few months in therapy working through years’ worth of unresolved issues. Although it wasn’t simple, we gradually restored our communication and trust. Ryan turned to face me one night as we put Sophia to bed together. “I appreciate you giving me another opportunity. I am aware that I didn’t earn it.I gave him a handshake. “Mistakes are made by everyone. Learning from them is what matters most.” Grinning, he drew me into an embrace. “Nat, I adore you. You two together. And I can assure you that our upcoming family trip will be wonderful.” I chuckled quietly. “Let’s get modest. A park picnic, perhaps?” Watching our daughter sleep as we stood there made me realize that, on occasion, stronger relationships may result from even the deepest betrayals—that is, if you’re prepared to put in the necessary work.How would you have responded in that situation?



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