They told my wife: “You Are Not Pretty Enough to Work Here” I had to do something about it

or a job.” Sophia’s face momentarily flickered with recognition, but she quickly masked it. “Oh, really? How wonderful,” she said, trying to maintain her professional façade. “Yes,” I continued, “but she came home very upset. She told me someone here told her she wasn’t ‘pretty enough’ to work in this store.” The color drained from Sophia’s face. She stammered, “Oh, um, I’m not sure who would have said that. We have very high standards, you see.” “High standards?” I echoed, raising an eyebrow. “Or just shallow ones?” Her discomfort was palpable, but I wasn’t done yet. “You see, my wife is beautiful, both inside and out. And she certainly didn’t deserve to be humiliated like that.”Sophia’s eyes darted around, looking for an escape. I leaned in slightly, lowering my voice. “I want to speak to your manager.” Sweet Justice The manager, a well-dressed woman named Lisa, arrived promptly. I repeated the entire story, emphasizing the insult and the impact it had on my wife. Lisa’s expression grew stern as she listened. “I am so sorry to hear about this,” she said. “We do not condone such behavior. Sophia, could you step into my office, please?” Sophia’s face turned beet red as she followed Lisa. I waited patiently, knowing that my revenge was already in motion. After a few minutes, Lisa returned and apologized profusely, offering Emma a sincere invitation to reapply. “We’ll make sure she gets a fair and kind interview,” Lisa promised.The Aftermath When I got home, I told Emma everything. She was hesitant at first, still hurt by the initial encounter, but I encouraged her to give it another shot. Reluctantly, she agreed. A week later, Emma went back to the store for her interview. This time, she was greeted warmly by Lisa and the other staff. Sophia was nowhere to be seen.Emma got the job, and I made sure to visit her often, always with a smile. She thrived in her new role, her confidence growing each day. As for Sophia, she was transferred to another branch, far away from us. Justice had been served.Emma and I often laugh about the incident now, grateful for the lesson learned and the strength gained from it. No one would ever make her feel unworthy again, and I would always be there to ensure of that.



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