A couple wagers: no eating out, no cheat meals, and no alcohol. This Is How They Look One Year Later

Lexi and Danny Reed were a normal couple with normal ambitions and dreams when they were younger. However, there was one major impediment to the pair living their lives to the fullest: they were both overweight.Lexi weighed 480 pounds on their wedding day, whereas Danny weighed only 279 pounds. Lexi and Danny’s weight put them in difficult social situations and limited their participation in a variety of activities.

It was time for them to start over. Lexi and Danny had been friends for ten years until she met her soul mate. Over time, feelings of love evolved, and the two friends eventually decided to marry. Danny’s brilliance resided in his capacity to accept Lexi wholeheartedly, regardless of her appearance. “He never saw me as my size, asked me to change, or made me feel anything other than beautiful,” Lexi said on Instagram.Danny, on the other hand, led an equally unhealthy lifestyle and battled to stay physically fit. Lexi celebrated her 25th birthday by weighing 392 pounds. Danny weighed 280 pounds and was two years Lexi’s senior. “I was always an emotional eater, and food was always there for me no matter what,” Lexi explained. The two proceeded to drag each other down over time. They both engaged in harmful practices, according to Lexi, but they gradually accepted that their weight was a problem.



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